events luxembourg

Want To Discover Luxembourg? Must-See Events Luxembourg

Luxembourg is the city of festivities where culture meets with celebration. A significant percentage of foreign residents have multiple opportunities to interact with Luxembourgers in Events Luxembourg. All the cultural events, sports events andLuxembourg nightlife events have their importance in the history of this country. Luxembourg is the hub of multicultural groups, and every event is enriched with the diversity of Europeans. Beyond any doubt, Luxembourg is proud of its tradition, culture and folklore. 

The air of Luxembourg is glorified with beautiful festivals and events. Art, music, sports, culture and every other aspect of life is celebrated here. At the same time, this cosmopolitan country is modern in its urban development. Whether you are local or a visitor, this charming country has much more to offer you. People of any class, field or age group get the chance to joy. 

Complete Guide To Festivals & Events Luxembourg

If you plan to visit Luxembourg, here is a comprehensive guide. All the details of events of art, culture, sports and entertainment, we share with you. When you remain up to date on these occasions, it gets easy to make plans. Anytime you need to pack your bag for a Luxembourg event, all the schedules and locations you can find here. 

Cultural Events In Luxembourg

The main cultural events include: 

Dräikinneksdag – Three Kings Day 

Dräikinneksdag is the Christian festival celebrated on the 6th of January each year. The arrival of the Magi to the newborn Jesus is celebrated in the religious tradition. It is also famous as the Feast of the Epiphany as a puff pastry cake is eaten on that day. One who finds the bean in this particular cake,/she becomes the king or queen of the day.

Liichtmëssdag – Candlemas 

Liichtmëssdag is an event for children to taste delicious sweets and pancakes. On February 2nd, Luxembourg celebrates Liichtmëssdag, which means Candlemas. The children, having lanterns in their hands, visit their neighbors. They sing traditional songs in chorus to get sweets or coins in return. 

Fuesent – Carnival Festivities

Fuescent is the most celebrated festival of Luxembourgers, between Candlemas and Aschermëttwoch. It is a carnival event that includes splendid public street parties, parades, and circuses. Other neighboring countries, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, also host carnival parties. There is a long list of Local events in Luxembourg, which includes

  • Brandenburg Sunday
  • Pretzel Sunday, Ouschteren
  • Meekranz Pilgrimage
  • Oktav Market 
  • Whit Tuesday in mid-May
  • Summer wine festivals
  • Schueberfouer
  • Festival de Wiltz
  • Echternach International Festival
  • Vianden Medieval Festival
  • Nut Market
  • Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Fatima
  • And much more.

Sporting Events In Luxembourg

Sports events are also important Luxembourg tourism events for Luxemborugers. Football, cycling, rugby, and handball are the most celebrated sports. The audience from all over Europe comes to watch these annual sports events. National Division is the premier domestic sports league in Luxembourg. One of the most celebrated and challenging marathons in Europe is the ING Night Marathon Luxembourg. The list of sporting events in Luxembourg includes: 

  • Postlaf, Cycliste Skoda Garage Serge Tewes
  • DKV-Urban Trail Luxembourg
  • OSL Spillfest,ŠKODA Tour de
  • JP Morgan City-Jogging
  • Rencontres sans frontières
  • Multi-Handi-Sports
  • International Skateboarding Cup Elsy Jacobs Festival
  • And much more

Entertainment In Luxembourg

Luxembourg is an ideal tour destination for those who enjoy recreational activities. This country offers varied programmes to entertain the public all around the year. From all classical Music concerts in Luxembourg to rock, you would love to listen here. Philharmonie is a concert hall famous for classical music, and Rock Hall offers the opportunity to enjoy pop music. If you are a fan of rock music, Rock um Knuedler is the right place for you. It is an open-air festival to rock all the country together. The annual Blues’n Jazz Rallye features live performances of talented musicians. The air of Luxembourg becomes full of melodies and beats. 

Additionally, there are several theatres in Luxembourg where various plays are presented in several languages. 

Annual Events In Luxembourg

The other significant annual event in Luxembourg is the National Day celebration. On the 23rd of June, Luxembourg National Day is celebrated with all the grandeur. Military parades and fireworks glam the National Day among all the locals and tours. Religious events like Christmas and Easter are beautiful Luxembourg city happenings. All the land is full of lights, joys and midnight masses. The Winterlight festival is mainly the most awaited for everyone to explore Luxembourg social gatherings. The Winterlight event includes leisure activities, a Christmas market, Art exhibitions in Luxembourg, music, shopping and many tourist activities. Kids have great entertainment to enjoy live concerts, theater performances and cultural activities. 

Mark Your Calendar With Luxembourg Festivals Dates!

Being a local in Luxembourg, you must know about all the events of Luxembourg. We are here to provide all the information about Luxembourg event venues, dates and activities. If you plan a visit to Luxembourg, we will guide you to make your trip memorable. Your visit to Luxembourg is worthwhile if you become a part of the cultural, religious, sports and other events of the country. When you have such helpful information, it is the right time to pack your bags. Plan your visit to events in Luxembourg now!

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